Tenleytown Main Street (TMS) is a community-based nonprofit organization that works with residents and local businesses to strengthen the economic vitality of Tenleytown. We seek to achieve a business district that is a thriving, walkable, and friendly neighborhood center that retains its small town feel with up-to-date urban amenities.

As a Main Street AmericaTM Accredited program, Tenleytown Main Street is a recognized leading program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. The District of Columbia is home to 26 Main Street programs – and growing.

Since 2016, Tenleytown Main Street has developed a portfolio of programs that meet the unique needs of our business district, including marketing and special events, public and urban green space maintenance, small business consulting, and financial support for physical improvements to commercial buildings. As a welcoming hub of community life, our Main Street nurtures a vibrant local economy and culture that can only be found at our own “top of the town.” Our service area includes Wisconsin Avenue from Rodman Street to Fessenden Street. View Map

Tenleytown Main Street receives funding through financial and in-kind contributions from businesses, community groups, property owners, and residents, and through grants from the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development. TMS also receives support from volunteers who provide their time, effort, and expertise to the TMS Board of Directors, committees, and events.

Tenleytown Main Street is grateful for all the support we receive from the community. Please join our efforts. Volunteer for a committee, attend Tenleytown Main Street eventsmake a tax-deductible donation, and follow us online.

Want to learn more? Contact us at info@tenleytownmainstreet.org.

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