Business Guidance and Assistance
The Tenleytown Business Brief– sent straight to your inbox – provides news and resources for business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs to help your business thrive. Subscribe online to make sure you receive your copy each month.
Hera Hub DC, a coworking space located just north of Tenleytown, offers free one-on-one business consulting for business owners and entrepreneurs through its GURU program. Experts in fields ranging from marketing to business technology to legal issues are available to provide targeted advice and expertise.
The DC Small Business Resource Center (SBRC) is your gateway to information and services that can help you start and strengthen your business in the District. Through the SBRC, you can access trainings, workshops, seminars, one-on-one technical and educational assistance, and other services.
Grants, Tax Credits, and Loans
Great Streets supports small businesses by providing capital improvement grants up to $50,000 for exterior and interior renovations and partial operational improvements. Tenleytown is located in the Wisconsin Avenue Great Streets Corridor.
Small Business Grants offered by Tenleytown Main Street help defray the cost of physical and operational improvements for businesses in Tenleytown.
Private Security Camera Incentive Program provides rebates for businesses to purchase and install security camera systems on their property and register them with the Metropolitan Police Department. Businesses can receive a rebate of up to $200 per exterior camera, up to a total of $750.
The Small Retailer Property Tax Relief Credit is a refundable franchise tax credit available to retail businesses with federal gross receipts less than $2.5 million per year. The tax credit is the lesser of $5,000 or (a) the real property taxes paid by the business or (b) 10% of the rent or paid by the business. is an online lending platform shared by fourCommunity Development Financial Institutions(CDFIs) doing business in Washington, DC.
DC Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking, a regulatory agency for the District of Columbia’s financial services industries, provides and participates in programs and resources to assist small business owners in creating sustainable economic development.
District of Columbia Government
The Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) supports the development, economic growth, and retention of District-based businesses. DSLBD offers one-on-one counseling, workshops, and seminars for entrepreneurs and small business owners
All businesses operating in DC are required to be registered or licensed by the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA). If you are just starting your business, DCRA has this quick online guide to steps you’ll need to take.
The Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) encourages all District businesses to incorporate sound environmental policies and practices in their daily operations, and works with local businesses to meet or exceed their environmental goals.
Ward 3 and Local Government
Councilmember Matt Frumin represents Ward 3 on the DC Council. She has served on the Council since 2007, and is currently the chair of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment.
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3E (ANC 3E) commissioners represent AU Park, Tenleytown and Friendship Heights. DC government agencies are required to give great weight to ANC recommendations on local matters, including zoning, public space, liquor licenses, streets, planning, safety, and budget.
Additional Resources
The Washington DC Economic Partnership (WDCEP) is a non-profit, public-private organization whose core purpose is to actively position, promote, and support economic development and business opportunities in Washington, DC. WDCEP publishes biennially the DC Doing Business Guide, which provides current information essential to creating, relocating, and expanding your business in the District. WDCEP also offers training and networking events to support local businesses and entrepreneurs.