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POSTPONED Tenleytown Blossoms: Meet a Beekeeper

POSTPONED Tenleytown Blossoms: Meet a Beekeeper


Saturday, April 9th, 2022
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Tenleytown Main Street


Fessenden Park
Fessenden Park, Wisconsin Ave. & Fessenden St.
Washington, DC, 20016
(202) 362-1815
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Regretfully, this event has been postponed. Recent rain and more rain overnight make conditions at the park unsuitable for the event. We look forward to rescheduling soon and to drier, warmer weather!

Sherry Cohen, a local beekeeper, shares her knowledge of bees and their important role in our ecosystem. Explore the tools of beekeeping, including beehive components, a smoker, suits, and tools, and peek inside a small observation hive to see what a real beehive is like. Don't worry the bees will be safely locked inside. Suitable for all ages.
Find more Tenleytown Blossoms events at
About the beekeeper:
Sherry Cohen grew up in New York City where she knew practically nothing about plants and insects. Since moving to DC she became a community gardener in the late 90s and in 2015, became an urban beekeeper. She is an active member of the DC Beekeepers Alliance (DCBA), has helped maintain hives at DC Public Schools, given talks to elementary school children, volunteered to help run the DCBA Beginning Beekeeping Class, and mentors new beekeepers. She currently runs six beehives in AU Park.