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Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework: Community Design Conversation

Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework: Community Design Conversation


Saturday, November 19th, 2022
10:30 AM - 1:30 PM


St. Columba Episcopal Church
4201 Albemarle St. NW
Washington, DC, 20016
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As part of the planning effort for housing opportunities in Rock Creek West, the Office of Planning is launching the Wisconsin Avenue Community Design Conversations, a 2-part series of engagements focused on exploring the opportunities that exist for future design and development along the Wisconsin Avenue corridor, with a particular focus on Tenleytown and Friendship Heights.

Stakeholders can attend the Community Design Conversations on a walk-in basis, between 10:30am and 1:30pm, and engage in the way that is most meaningful for them, be it through providing written input to convening in a small group discussion. 

Through these engagements, community members and stakeholders will be invited to participate in a facilitated experience that:

  • provides background context on the planning objectives for this process; 
  • explores scenarios for future development opportunities that maximizes housing production, particularly affordable housing that support residents with a range of household incomes; and 
  • creates spaces for dialogue to share ideas and feedback that can be incorporated into final development and public realm opportunities.

This process is open to all, and the Office of Planning encourages all who are interested in exploring the potential for future planning and development opportunities in Ward 3 to attend.